

    Who we are

    Who we are

    SABER EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES is a research group from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), a public university located in the Brazilian Northeast, which aims to support lifelong learning for all.

    Our team is formed by a multidisciplinary collegiate, which involves teachers, researchers, students, and technical support personnel in the areas of Education, Information Technology, Design, Health, Information Science, Administration, among others.

    SABER’s resources come from national and international funding.

    We coordinate the Open University of the Unified Health System (UNA-SUS) at UFPE, created by the Federal Government to support the permanent education of health workers from the Unified Health System.

    Click here to download the flyer with information about SABER Research Group.

    What we do

    SABER develops and executes educational and social projects focusing on giving instruction to different groups of people, in or out of formal teaching environments.

    With this purpose, SABER does research and develops educational and technological innovation, made available through distance education platforms.

    The institutional team gives permanent and personalized pedagogical and technological support to students, tutors, professors, and projects’ technical team.

    Thus the teaching support given by SABER provides aggregate value to works developed in institutional and community environments.

    The pedagogical resources produced by SABER are in accord with Ministério da Educação guidelines.

    What We Do

    SABER develops and executes educational and social projects focusing on giving instruction to different groups of people, in or out of formal teaching environments.

    With this purpose, SABER does research and develops educational and technological innovation, made available through distance education platforms.

    The institutional team gives permanent and personalized pedagogical and technological support to students, tutors, professors, and projects’ technical team.

    Thus the teaching support given by SABER provides aggregate value to works developed in institutional and community environments.

    The pedagogical resources produced by SABER are in accord with Ministério da Educação guidelines.

    Research and Development


    Each teaching situation has its own characteristics in certain contexts, requiring a set of instruments which are proper to the target public. The solutions developed are in accord with these principles and may stimulate the users’ interest and the interactivity with the content. Therefore each project receives special attention from a multidisciplinary team which is responsible for the research, pedagogical planning, and the production of contents that may support the construction of learning objects which are proper to the processes of face-to-face and distance education in the scope of each project.


    Our courses are for people who want to improve their knowledge at different levels: short or long courses, such as specializations. Pedagogical concepts and technological tools are the basis of its development. Thus, we intend to stimulate students’ interest and participation, and also to support the process of pedagogical monitoring and the evaluation of the learning process.


    SABER plans and develops didactic material which is diversified and proper to face-to-face and distance education, focusing on the students’ needs and on the aims of the courses. Booklets, printed books, e-books, audio and video materials are examples.


    The Virtual Learning Environments consist of a space that organizes the resources, contents, and tools to provide:

    • access to courses through interaction with contents in different media (audio, video, animation, etc.);

    • performance of didactic activities (games, exercises, case studies);

    • interaction between professors, coordinators, tutors, and students.


    Virtual sceneries with stories focused on pedagogical contents and that establish links between these contents and different situations in everyday life, such as, for instance, SABER Communities – learning object created for the
    Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família of UNA-SUS UFPE – and serious games.

    Besides these, SABER develops Web, Mobile, and Desktop applications, such as follow-up systems for student activities and academic demands; course conclusion paper platforms and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs).

    We develop and encourage the development and use of Open Educational Resources (OER) at the Federal University of Pernambuco, as well as we are interested in making partnerships, national and international, that can expand the reach of our productions. For more information, click here and get to know the REAdME project.